"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
2012年9月14日 星期五
真要感謝這位仁兄,把全球最美的建築內部都拍來給我看了! by Massimo Listri
Interior Photography by Massimo Listri:
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
Source Credit 這棟由 SAOTA 所設計,位於南非開普敦 Nettleton路上的懸崖旁豪宅,面海依山,正面長落地窗貪婪的盡收海洋美景,營造成通透無障礙的空間感, 在面海的落地窗前,又凸出一座游池來,銜接海天一線; 依山的一面則佈置出一處極具個性的後花園...
Source credit Joel Allen是一位加拿大軟體開發者,在大約2000年時,他的公司經營不善倒閉,於是他回歸山林,在學建築的朋友的協助下,他蓋了這棟在森林保護區裡的樹屋違建,完成了他的夢想。 這棟茶屋其實是很瘋狂,首先,位於美國國家保護森林區。其次,...
Beautiful Houses: Lai Residence in Taiwan : 賴宅位於台灣的高雄市,這是由 PMK+Designers ,係「張博閔設計工程有限公司」所設計,兩層的閣樓公寓,充滿了該公司整合空間、建築、都市生活和每日心靈生活的設計觀念。 不...
60+ Epic, Inspirational & Beautiful Examples of Architecture Photography : 好的建築也要有好的攝影來呈現它的迷人之處,這60+的照片,都是千挑萬選出來的,關於傳統和現代建...
8 Amazing Examples of Ramps Blended Into Stairs : 加拿大溫哥華 Robson廣場 Photograph by Dean Douchard on Flickr
Source Credit 位於法國里爾(lille, France),由法國建築師 PATRICK PARTOUCHE ,這棟房子由八個預鑄的貨櫃,由貨車吊來堆壘,分三個工作天,一天一層,第三天安裝屋頂,貨櫃是回收的資源加以改裝,安放在建築面積為240平方米的土...
Sarpi Border Checkpoint : 這座造型特異的檢查站,位喬治亞與土耳其靠近黑海的邊境,於2011年完工,由德國 J. Mayer H. Architects 建築事務所設計,造型的意義除了歡迎來訪者外,也代表喬治欣欣向榮的國運;在功能上,懸臂式的...
50+ Amazing & Beautiful Photos from Tokyo, Japan – Stunning Architecture Photography from the East :