"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
2012年9月14日 星期五
真要感謝這位仁兄,把全球最美的建築內部都拍來給我看了! by Massimo Listri
Interior Photography by Massimo Listri:
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
Icon: Koshino House by Tadao Ando : 小篠邸位於日本芦屋市的國立園內,基地是西高東低緩坡,基地南端是交通的主幹道,北方是交通的次幹道,基地的東側有兩層高的坡頂建築,基地內有株值得保存的樹木,芦屋市屬關西,氣候、風土都較溫和,冬天也不至於...
Source credit 上個月,著名的密斯.凡德羅( Mies van der Rohe )所設計的「圖根哈特別墅」(Tugendhat Villa)在花費八百八十萬美元,兩年時間後修復,這棟建築是密斯.凡德羅「少即是多」(Less is more)的現...