2012年9月26日 星期三
日本富士幼稚園 by 手塚貴晴&手塚由比
Fuji Kindergarten by Tezuka Architects:
好的事物也需好的行銷為其推廣,富士幼稚園委託了日本視覺設計大師佐藤可士和(知名作品之一是Uniqlo T-shirt的桶狀包裝設計),一手打造LOGO商標、幼稚園服及平面宣傳等相關設計。透過建築設計與視覺設計的結合,讓孩童從小就沐浴在生活美學之中。
Architects: Tezuka Architects
Creative Director: Kashiwa Sato
Lighting Designer: Masahide Kakudate/Masahide Kakudate Lighting Architect & Associates,Inc.
Photography: Tezuka Architects, Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA
Location: Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan
Tezuka Architects joined forces with Kashiwa Sato, one of Toyko’s most respected creative directors, to build Fuji Kindergarten, a novel type of kindergarten in Tachikawa, 40km west of Tokyo.
Fuji Kindergarten’s most captivating element is its circular form. The large one-story halo-shaped building has an 183m outer circumference, and an inner circumference of 108m. Rather than symbolic or aesthetic, the the building’s circle-shape works on a practical level, whereby the central courtyard becomes a meeting point, creating and incentivising a system of communal togetherness.
Fuji Kindergarten has been designed to children’s scale, ceiling heights are restricted to 2.1m. This creates a a very close relationship between the ground level and the rooftop, creating an influential factor encouraging the children to explore without inhibition.
The main functions of the kindergarten are found underneath the oval roof. To promote social skills and remove any symbol of hierarchical structures or barriers, the kindergarten’s interior environment is free of walls. Rooms and spaces are divided in a casual manner by using light-weighted stacked furniture that children can easily reconfigure.
The post Fuji Kindergarten by Tezuka Architects appeared first on I Like Architecture.
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