2012年9月26日 星期三
這真是酷斃了的帆船餐廳 by Grimshaw Architects
Cutty Sark by Grimshaw Architects:
眼前這座巨大而宏偉的博物館建築由著名的Grimshaw Architects建築事務所在2012年倫敦奧運會期間完成。
這隻製造於1869年的貨船當時主要用於從中國向英國運輸茶葉,然而現在Cutty Sark貨輪是英國僅存的一艘極富歷史意義的大型船隻,六年前它曾因一場火災停止了對市民和遊客的開放但是如今經過專業人士的精心修繕和Grimshaw Architects震撼人心的設計之後終於重新將Cutty Sark展現在世人眼前。
堅固的剛體支撐結構如同兩排井然有序的船槳一般將這個龐然大物懸在空中,貨船周圍的大面積玻璃屋頂恰好構成了遼闊的海洋,在建築外部遠遠看過去人們似乎能夠感受到曾經Cutty Sark在大海中推趕著浪花飛速航行的情景,同時人們在建築內部更加可以欣賞它優美的曲線領略那前所未有的震撼。
Architects: Grimshaw Architects
Restoration completion date: April 2012
Photography: Jim Stephenson
Location: London, UK
Cutty Sark epitomises the great age of sail; she is the last surviving tea clipper. Her remarkable story is tangible evidence of the centuries long importance of sea-trade to this country and to the growth of London as the world’s pre-eminent port and trading centre. Built as a tea clipper, where speed to market was critical, it is the combination of sail and hull form which gave Cutty Sark her edge. The hull shape is defined by the revolutionary 19th century composite iron and timber shipbuilding technique.
A comprehensive programme of conservation began on Cutty Sark in 2004, which saw the biggest overhaul of the Grade I listed landmark for 50 years with the ship’s reopening planned to take place in 2009. The project was brought to a dramatic halt when a fire in 2007 swept through the wooden structure, causing extensive damage to the centre of the ship. The disaster caught the public’s interest and initiated a major fundraising campaign, enabling the project not only to be resumed at the end of 2009 but to an enhanced design brief.
The new design proposed raising the 963 tonnes Cutty Sark three metres within the dry berth. The dry berth was created in the 1950s, and purpose built in mass concrete on a former bomb site to house Cutty Sark when she was brought to Greenwich from Shadwell Basin. The ship was floated down the Thames, and manoeuvred into the berth before the end was sealed and the water drained to allow her to rest on the berth’s floor. In order to deliver this new conservation solution, within the constraints of the dry berth, it demanded that the new interventions had to respect, repair and adapt to the original fabric of the ship.
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