"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
2012年9月14日 星期五
真要感謝這位仁兄,把全球最美的建築內部都拍來給我看了! by Massimo Listri
Interior Photography by Massimo Listri:
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
"Loosing oneself in Massimo Listri's images, strong oneiric webs entwine themselves in one's thoughts. Mainly they are dreams, dreams which in any case, contrary to what happens normally when we realise to be dreaming, are inexpungeable from our minds forevermore..." Cesare Cunaccia
Source Credit 位於法國里爾(lille, France),由法國建築師 PATRICK PARTOUCHE ,這棟房子由八個預鑄的貨櫃,由貨車吊來堆壘,分三個工作天,一天一層,第三天安裝屋頂,貨櫃是回收的資源加以改裝,安放在建築面積為240平方米的土...
在印度尼西亞相遇的john hardy和他的妻子cynthia計劃興建一座“ green school ”,這是一個建在巴厘島森林和稻田裡的教育鄉村社區,通過一種為當地人服務的教育系統來傳播他們無私的,可持續的思想。 他們請巴厘島公司PT bamboo pure來負責整...
2012倫敦奧運會主火炬的點燃大大出乎人們的預料,除了極具儀式感的點火儀式,火炬的升起與火炬本身也涵蓋了非常多的象徵意義! 7名年輕的火炬手聚集在場地中央,點燃會場中央銅質花瓣上的小火炬,204支小火炬依次燃起,最終合成一個大的奧林匹克主火炬。 不知道細心的網友有沒有發現...
3 Way House : 要住在這棟房子裡,身體一定要好,日本 Naf Architect & Design 建築創造了這「三路之屋」( 3 Way House ),業主是一對年輕的夫婦和兩個小孩,將傳統的樓上樓下之間的連繫觀念改變,要有如攀岩般的爬上頂層,...
努涅斯住宅|努涅斯樓阿達莫-Faiden : 努涅斯住宅| NUNEZ HOUSE BY ADAMO-FAIDEN 阿根廷工作室Adamo-Faiden在布宜諾斯艾利斯一所經過翻修的公寓屋頂製造了一個帆布膜結構空間。 於是房子命名為努涅斯住宅(Núñez House)...
Source Credit 頂樓加蓋在台灣很盛行,不過大抵是違建,加蓋者亦鮮有心好好設計,本文介紹一個很不一樣的例子。
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